Biostasis organizations cannot always get to patients immediately. Having a local capability to respond quickly, start cooling, and administer some medications can make a significant difference. Chuck Bartl started Minnesota Cryonics Rapid Response, a group that was involved in several cases soon after being started. In this interview, he explains the group’s capabilities and recent experiences, some of the difficulties and triumphs along the way, how to talk to funeral homes, and gives advice to others interested in starting their own local SST group or getting more involved in an existing local group. This interview provides some personal and practical input just as we have started the CryoRegistry.
Building Local Cryonics Capabilities
Chuck Bartl of Minnesota Cryonics Rapid Response conveys his experience
Jan 30, 2025

Biostasis Podcast
Hear from the experts about the scientific, technical, and practical issues in cryonics and biostasis as well as their thoughts about presenting the idea of biostasis and improving current procedures.
Hear from the experts about the scientific, technical, and practical issues in cryonics and biostasis as well as their thoughts about presenting the idea of biostasis and improving current procedures.Listen on
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